
City Council members call for new powers to fire ‘bad actors’ at IMPD – Indianapolis News | Indiana Weather | Indiana traffic

City Council members call for new powers to fire ‘bad actors’ at IMPD – Indianapolis News | Indiana Weather | Indiana traffic

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Two Democratic members of the Indianapolis-Marion County City-County Council are calling for changes to police policies that prevent officers in trouble with the law from being fired for years.

In a press release, they wrote: “Currently, officers recommended for dismissal will not be removed until the Merit Board hears their case, which in the current regulation will not happen until the legal cases associated with these officers are concluded. This may take year.”

At least three officers with the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department have been arrested in 2024: Officer Kamal BolaSgt. Javed Richards and officer Paul Humphrey. All three are charged with child and sex crimes. A fourth officer who was on probation as a newcomer to the force, Myron Howardwas accused of the Jan. 6 rape by a domestic violence suspect, and he was fired.

The release said: “Recent disturbing incidents of police officers sexually assaulting children have underscored the urgent need for increased accountability. These events further emphasize the importance of empowering the leadership of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department to take immediate action to remove individuals who violates the public trust and violates the law.”

Rena Allenone of the two city council members seeking change within IMPD, said in the release, “We recognize that to restore trust in our public institutions, policy changes are necessary to remove bad actors from the force.”

The other municipal councilor seeking change, Carlos Perkinssaid in the release, “Councilor Allen and I are committed to working with IMPD and the community to see a revision of this ordinance and will propose to the council later this fall.”

The call for changes comes as members of the municipal council navigate processes around sexual harassment within the municipal board.

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