
The Goddard School of Macomb offers parents another childcare option – the Macomb Daily

The Goddard School of Macomb offers parents another childcare option – the Macomb Daily

What do the layers of the earth look like?

Why do I need a nap if I’m not tired?

Alyssa found such things puzzling but instead of applauding the child’s curiosity and bravery, her teacher saw her as a challenge.

“She got kicked out of three preschools,” said Shelby Township owner Mary Beth Ginzinger Goddard School of Macombwhich will host a carnival Saturday to celebrate the grand opening of its new location.

“Her mom said, ‘You’re my last hope,'” Ginzinger said, recalling the conversation that led to Alyssa’s enrollment.

At the Goddard School, teachers embraced Ayssa.

They thought she was a bright light in the classroom. As for Alyssa? She thrived and by the time she started kindergarten she not only knew the alphabet and her numbers but was doing multiplications of one to 12.

“She was just a curious kid. Now she’s in college,” Ginzinger said of her shining example.

A young student at the Goddard School of Macomb displays his artwork: A is for Andrew.

The Goddard School is a franchise operation that operates hundreds of preschools across the United States. At its core is the belief that children learn best through experience, whether through play or by asking questions. The goal is to provide current, academically validated methods to ensure children have fun while learning the skills they need for long-term success in school and life. After moving to Michigan, Ginzinger decided she not only wanted it for her daughters and only toddlers at the time, but felt other families wanted it too.

“I just loved it. The quality of the teachers and the community they created within the school,” Ginzinger said.

It was then that she took over a previously owned school on Hayes Road that had failed and grew it into a thriving business. What was 18 families in 2009 was up to 115 and a waiting list by 2020. She went on to survive the pandemic that saw many child care centers and preschools disappear, a feat she attributes in part to an understanding landlord and decided to open a second school.

“It’s a dream come true,” Ginzinger said, before offering her guest a tour of the new facility on Wellington Center Boulevard.

That’s not to say she hasn’t had to overcome problems.

“It takes a long time to build a school like this,” she said.

More than 20% of childcare facilities that existed before the pandemic went out of business, creating the childcare drought we are experiencing now.

“The industry is changing rapidly and the state is making rules and regulations without consulting the industry, many of which drive up costs,” she said.

Still, she has managed to make it work.

Both schools in Macomb provide care, play-based activities and preschool education for children, infants to 5 years old. Most of the school’s graduates are more than prepared for public school and often ahead of their peers. Learning a second language, be it sign or Spanish, is also part of the curriculum provided by its teachers, who have also helped children with other languages, including Portuguese.

Parents entering the new school are greeted by a soothing nautical feel by the sea and are immediately drawn to the large windows along the corridors, which allow them to peer into the classroom. They all learn that once discovered children are drawn to the area to kiss mom or whoever visits their school.

Students in Hannah Theiss’ class at the Goddard School of Macomb show their enthusiasm for their school and their teacher. GINA JOSEPH – THE MACOMB DAILY

Ginzinger said there are already 85 families at the new school but they have a capacity of 154 so there is still room for enrollment. The cost ranges anywhere from $773 to $1,732. This includes care and service including breakfast, lunch and snacks from 06:30 to 18:00

In addition to her staff and the families she serves, Ginzinger attributes her success to the franchise.

“They have a quality assurance program that is tougher than our state licensing group,” Ginzinger said. “So we know we’re doing everything right, if we do it Goddard’s way.

One parent who has had three children at the school, with her youngest moving on to kindergarten this fall, said it’s a bittersweet end to what has been a great experience for the family.

“They’ve been amazing. My kids are now 13, 9 and 4 and they’ve all had the opportunity to go to Goddard Macomb,” said Laurie Zacharevich. “It’s offered so many things. We’re a two-parent working family and the pleasure of just knowing that our children are well taken care of while learning daily has been a godsend. I can only hope that many new families will come to her there at the new facility.”


The Goddard School for Early Childhood Development has multiple locations in Macomb and Oakland counties.

In Macomb County, those include Goddard School at 53300 Hayes Road and 15380 Wellington Center Blvd., both in Macomb Township.

Saturday’s inaugural carnival at the Wellington site starts at 10 a.m. and will include a balloon artist, face painting, dunk tank, prizes and other goodies.

For more information visit

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