
The city council approves an amended version of the controversial general camping ordinance

The city council approves an amended version of the controversial general camping ordinance

During a marathon municipal council meeting of over 6 hours, the municipal council voted on 12 proposed city ordinance changes which was proposed by Mayor Reinert’s administration Earlier this month.

These proposals included point 24-030-Oan amendment to the city code that would make public camping a misdemeanor — something critics called essentially criminalizing homelessness

The meeting began earlier than normal to give citizens plenty of time to speak with city officials. A total of 81 Duluthians weighed in – a large majority speaking up 24-030-O.

Public comment has been very active on the specific proposal, with well over 100 citizens addressing the council on this and earlier meetings, as well as dozens of others via email.

After citizens weighed in and several councilors themselves spoke, the item was voted on and approved, albeit by one is changed form.

The amendment removed misdemeanor charges for violators and instead limits enforcement to fines of no more than $200.

Several city council members cited that the removal of the misdemeanor fee was due to extensive voter feedback.

Now passed, the change, along with others voted fortakes effect in 30 days.

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